Sunday, November 2, 2008

Gun Toting Rednecks In Cincy

So, my first blog, I now know the true meaning of being a Team Newhouse member.

Lots of stuff has happened since I've been here and I have had a great time. The guys and girl are great, and have been awesome to get to know and hang out with.

Steve "shabo" Chabot is a great guy that I wish all of the Driehaus supporters could sit down and talk with. Once they got to know him I believe that they would change their ignorant claims that we heard while campaigning at the Bengals/Jacksonville game on Sunday. He genuinely cares about Americans and I only wish that every politician was like Steve.

On a side note, while campaigning at the Bengals game with my Chabot sign and shirt, a Driehaus supporter tried to give me some lit for "the other" Steve, I told him "no thanks, the trash can is over there."

On to the story:

Saturday a couple of us headed out to Butler county. The trip was uneventful except that I found out for the second time in about three weeks that I can't drink too much liquid before going on long trips. I was riding with Meg, an awesome YOUNG girl by the way, and I had to let her know that I couldn't make it to the GOP office of Ohio. Meg is the youngest of three or four (her being the only female) and understood that I needed to take a hike in the woods. So we pulled over and I took a rest stop. The kids from Generation Joshua had no clue why we stopped and we kept it that way.

So I am out dropping literature for Chabot/McCain a few days ago in Butler "Wherearewe" County. Most people are not home but one of the few folks I come across happens to have a McCain/Palin sign in their yard. I approach him and hand him the literature. I could see the relief in his eyes when he saw I wasn't canvasing for Obama. He immediately starts to unload his thoughts onto me. I didn't mind, it was nice to actually speak to someone, and one who doesn't completely hate being bothered by strangers.

First words that come out of his mouth, "I'm a gun-toting redneck." He goes on to talk about his views of Obama. "Obama is a wolf in sheep's clothing," and "That is one slimy man." Him being a Vietnam vet, and a fellow hunter, I felt a connection with this stranger. He is afraid for his constitutional right to own a gun, and feels Obama would try to take that away from him. He brought up the Revolutionary war and talked about the tactics and weaponry that made it possible to wear down the Brits. He added that the French got more credit than was deserved considering they only arrived at the end. This guy is an American, and as true as they come. I totally and completely agreed with almost every word that came out of his Skoal-sucking mouth. So fifteen minutes and a handshake later I had made a new friend and left Meg waiting by the van.

A shoutout to the hotel bar downstairs for Halloween and karaoke, and creepy guys/girls. Including but definitely not limited to creepy mask guy, old white Sinatra, the dream cheer squad, and the not so creepy Harry Potter chick.

Shoutout to the Cheviot Sports Bar, cornhole in the afternoon and pool/karaoke/Nov 1 Halloween party.
Shoutout to team Newhouse's cornhole victory (Brennan/Me) who kicked some Nathan/Jarrett "you know what" for all the marbles and when it counted. Brennan likes to say that he carried the team, but that's debatable. Jarrett definitely carried his team, though Nate had some pretty amazing shots. Team Newhouse did dominate though not as much as I'd like. (Shoulda gone undefeated)
In case you still don't know what cornhole is, it is a midwest hit. The game consists of beanbags and an inclined board with a hole. One point for a bag on the board and three for a bag in the hole. Take the difference of the two teams and you add that to the total score. If you haven't tried it, do. It may be a better, underrated, undiscovered alternative to BP and Flip Cup.
Hows that Brennan?

And a shoutout to the great opportunity and experience I've had with this whole experience the last five weeks. And to those who made it happen.

- Hunter "Silver Bullet" Lord

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